Welcome to the Circus playing card (2018-2019)

Published on 13 June 2024 at 23:48

In 2018, as someone who enjoyed drawing as a hobby and didn't see myself as an artist, embarking on the journey to design and eventually produce my first deck of playing cards was both exhilarating and daunting. This project, born out of a passion for circus arts and pole dancing, marked a significant turning point in my creative journey, setting the stage for future artistic endeavours.

The Inspiration Behind the Deck

I remember vividly seeing a novelty deck of playing cards as a kid and being utterly mesmerised by it. It was so different from the usual, boring standard decks. This memory stayed with me, and I always thought the classical aesthetic of a circus, with its many acts and its charismatic ringmaster, would fit perfectly on a deck of cards.

Inspired by this idea, I set out to design a few initial cards. The positive feedback I received from the community was incredibly encouraging, so I decided to make the project more interactive for everyone. I asked for photo submissions on Instagram, inviting people to share their favourite circus moments.

From the many photos I received, I carefully designed each card in the deck. Each card features a unique drawing inspired by real circus artists and pole dancers, capturing the grace, strength, and beauty of these performers. From the agile trapeze artist to the powerful pole dancer, every card tells a story and brings the magic of the circus to life.

Designing the Cards

Designing 52 unique cards, along with two jokers and a box, was a long and dedicated effort that took around two years to complete. Each illustration required careful attention to detail to accurately reflect the essence of the performer(s) it depicted. I spent countless hours sketching, refining, and perfecting each drawing. The process was challenging, but also very fulfilling.

Launching the Indiegogo Campaign

Turning these designs into a tangible product was the next big step. Printing a deck of high-quality playing cards is not an easy feat, especially for a small artist. To make this dream a reality, I decided to set up an Indiegogo campaign to raise the necessary funds.

The support I received was overwhelming. The campaign attracted 114 backers and raised over 3000 euros, surpassing my expectations. The encouragement and generosity of the backers were incredibly heartening, reaffirming my belief in the project and its potential to resonate with a broader audience. I am deeply grateful to everyone who supported the campaign and believed in my vision.

The Impact and Future Plans

The success of this project has been a significant milestone in my artistic journey. Since then, I have reprinted the cards with a new box design, and at this point in time they have been sold out. This project served as a great starting point, providing me with valuable experience and confidence to take on more ambitious projects, such as the tarot cards that followed. 


If you are interested in seeing the photos and videos shared by customers, please check out the Spotlight on my Instagram profile.

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